PICTORIAL COMPARISSON - it's just so cute!

Here's a VIDEO COMPARISSON I made last May 2008 when the first taping day of ASKSS was shown in a showbiz-oriendted TV program.
Here are choice scenes from episode 2 with English subs
Here's a VTR from Showbiz Central (with English subs)
Here are some of the early screencaps I made, mostly comparing the different scenes from MNIKSS and ASKSS teasers:
Here's Regine as Anya Katindig in one of her old romantic-comedy flicks side by side with Sun Ah as Sam Soon. I made this when it was just announced that Regine will be Kim Sam Soon. I was trying to see if Regine can pull it off.

Regine and Sun Ah - random pictures
I think this is the first comparisson screencap I made. I was checking Sam Soon's hair (apparently the cutting-Samsoon's-hair scene was non-existent in ASKSS)

I was just having fun with the first teaser that came out

Then the second teaser

Behind the scene clips from a morning show

GMA Kamuning, EDSA Quezon City
June 28, 2008
GMA Kamuning, EDSA Quezon City
June 27, 2008
I can't believe I went to the "Palengke Tour"
Munoz Market (June 28, 2008)
Button Pin Souvenir
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